סמינרים מחלקתיים 2019-2020 | התכנית לחקר סכסוכים, ניהולם ויישובם

סמינרים מחלקתיים 2019-2020



The Swiss Center for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution

List of departmental seminars for the first semester 2019-20

Seminars will be held from 13:00 to 14:30 in room 2415 unless stated otherwise

28.10. 19:  Opening of the year seminar.

Prof. Ifat Maoz, Director, The Program for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution: Greetings opening remarks 

Prof. Nir Halevy, Stanford University:

in-group love and out-group hate in intergroup conflict


18.11.19: Rabbi Dr. Daniel Rot, Director of Mosaica – the religious initiative for peace, Director of the Pardes Centre for Judaism and Conflict Resolution, and a lecturer on religion and Peace building in Bar-Ilan and Tel-Aviv University: Can religion really serve as a positive force for peacebuilding in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict


16.12. 19: Prof. Camelia Suleiman, Michigan State University                 

Palestinian women and literary nation building in the context of protracted, asymmetrical conflict 

Conducted in Cooperation with the Sophie Davis Forum on Gender, Conflict Resolution, and Peace


06.01.19: Dr. Yehudit Auerbach, The Hebrew University

Reconciliation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Unrealizable dream or achievable vision? Attitudes of Jewish-Israelis elite members toward reconciliation with Palestinians


March 23rd : Prof. Oliver Quiring, Mainz University:

The Media in Trade Negotiations – Pressure or Power Resource?


April 20st : Eric Shuman, University of Groningen and Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Building Psychological Interventions to Advance Conflict Resolution


May 18th : Dr. Araceli (Arancha) Garcia del Soto, Center for Applied Social Studies, Juan March Foundation (Madrid, Spain), and Fordham University (New York, USA):

The Role of Women Exiles in Peace Processes

This session will be held between 12:30-14:00


June 8th : Dr. Yptach Lelkes, University of Pennsylvania:

Affective Polarization: The Impact of Positive Partisanship and Policy Preferences